Recent Events Roundup: August to December 2022

Mr Heath McMichael, HE Mr John Ma’o Kali CMG OBE and HE Mr Robert Sisilo

I've attended some excellent events both online and in-person recently. I have listed them here for posterity.

      • 13th September 2022 - CILTA and AcademyGlobal - CILTA Private Tour of Rail Operation Centre in Alexandria.
      • 19th to 21st September 2022 - TLOG Conference 2022, Panel Chair, Incheon National University, Republic of Korea, and TLOG Technical Site Visits.

      • 6th October 2022 - CEDA: Victor Dominello - Portfolio update | Customer service and digital government.
      • 7th October 2022 - Duntroon Society: Lunch with Matt Anderson, PSM, Director of the Australian War Memorial.

      • 21st October 2022 - Charles Todd Oration - TelSoc - Minister for Communications the Hon Michelle Rowland MP, Doltone House, Sydney.
      • 21st November 2022 - The Australian National University - JG Crawford Oration 2022, delivered by the Hon Dr Kevin Rudd AC [online].