Dear Mr Dutton, we want something else (with love from Barcelona)

Photo: Commonwealth of Australia CC BY 3.0 AU

From Barcelona: It’s hard to escape Australian politics when I see examples of inaction all over the Iberian Peninsula. The news media would have you believe that the area is a hotbed for socialist Wokeri but the reality is rather different. That same energy that built up in the US and delivered Donald Trump’s electoral knock-out victory is about to avalanche here. It’s in Australia, too, but pundits want to pussyfoot around instead of getting in the bullring.

Alexandra Marshall had this to say in the Unfiltered newsletter:

The chaos of these censorial bills reached as far as Barcelona. Shaking his head in resignation, Michael de Percy writes, ‘The height of stupidity is to be talking about legalising marijuana while banning social media for under sixteens.’

My latest in The Spectator AustraliaDear Mr Dutton, we want something else (with love from Barcelona).