Divide et Impera: Culture wars and the end of pluralism

"Me trying to live my life" Tuba Meme

Pluralism – or the ‘doctrine of multiplicity’ - tends to go hand-in-hand with liberal democracy. Based on the concept of ‘freedom of assembly and association’, individuals are generally free to protest peacefully or be part of non-violent groups and to organise around common interests and promote their views publicly. This has not always been the case.

Leading Flat White, Michael de Percy believes that the ‘divide and conquer’ mentality dominating the Culture Wars is on the verge of winning. ‘Pluralism – or the “doctrine of multiplicity” – tends to go hand-in-hand with liberal democracy. Based on the concept of ‘freedom of assembly and association’, individuals are generally free to protest peacefully or be part of non-violent groups and to organise around common interests and promote their views publicly. This has not always been the case.’ He goes on to add, ‘How times have changed…’

Here is my latest article in The Spectator's Flat White, Divide et Impera: The end of pluralism.