Pockets of socialism are our individual responsibility and our liberal democratic heritage |
Have you ever noticed pockets of socialism appearing in our society? I refer to identity politics practices that infiltrate our liberal democracy in unremarkable yet profoundly disturbing ways as what I call ‘pocket socialism’. It is time to notice and act before these practices become embedded in our society forever.
Writing in Unfiltered newsletter, Alexandra Marshall had this to say:
And finally, I couldn’t believe it when I read Michael de Percy’s piece about ‘pocket socialism’ but more particularly, about the plan of two women to run on a single ticket to make Parliament ‘more inclusive’. FFS, if you can’t do the job and won’t commit to the hours, don’t put your hand up. It’s time people started telling these individuals ‘no’ instead of indulging their whims.
Writing in the Morning Double Shot newsletter, Terry Barnes had this to say:
Germany had pocket battleships. According to Michael de Percy, Australia has pocket socialism: those many but disjointed points in our society and economy where identity politics and left-wing claptrap hold sway. It’s up to conservatives to sink pocket socialism just as the Royal Navy sank the German pocket battleship Graf Spee in 1939: ships of inferior firepower outwitting their bigger-gunned enemy by smart thinking, teamwork, and strong leadership.
My latest in The Spectator Australia, Beware the infiltration of ‘pocket socialism’.
Beware the infiltration of ‘pocket socialism’
— The Spectator Australia (@SpectatorOz) August 26, 2024
It is difficult to believe, but in the name of 'inclusivity', two female candidates want to run on the same ticket and share their role as an MP.
Bronwen Bock and Lucy Bradlow want to pioneer 'job sharing'.https://t.co/ek9gjThHft