My rating: 3 of 5 stars
As a professional procrastinator, this short book will come in handy. It is a very quick read but it will be useful to give myself a kick-start every time I am stuck. There are a number of examples I recognise from my other reading (such as Stephen King and The New Yorker) and I squirmed as I read Pressfield's confessions of everything I feel but would die of shame if I spoke about. Pressfield's Gates of Fire is a good work so I trusted this book. I intend to read Turning Pro and The War of Art soon. I am experiencing a number of consistent themes, all relating to Stoicism, and Do the Work appears to apply some of these principles to the act of writing. Pressfield suggests that one should trust one's instinct, so after I finish my immersion in Stoicism, some critical reflection may be useful. I am worried about group think, but it is no excuse for not "doing the work".
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