Book Notes: "A Man for All Seasons" by Robert Bolt

A Man for All SeasonsA Man for All Seasons by Robert Bolt

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I used a quote from this play in my first academic publication. I first read this play in high school and I would enjoying seeing it performed. Sir Thomas More's integrity is admirable and appealing, yet I cannot help but think it is futile. Bolt captures many themes in a short play that is very clever. While More's lack of political "ability" seems outdated, former Prime Minister the late Gough Whitlam suffered the same fate by believing that the Governor General would follow convention and only act on the advice of the Prime Minister. More thought he cold keep his conscience and placate King Henry VIII. They were both wrong. Honourable, yet in the grand scheme of history, rather pointless. Better to be the Common Man and die in one's bed, methinks.

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