I suspect there are a great deal of similarities between creating an e-learning commons and creating a community discussion forum. The differences between creating an e-learning and a community-based commons, however, are considerable. E-learning commons tend to involve a captive audience, whereas a community commons requires something more.
I must say that I blog because I like it. It helps me develop my thoughts in the quasi-public sphere. One of my favourite quotes explains the principle:
Anyway, enough procrastinating, the history of the Canadian television industry awaits!
I must say that I blog because I like it. It helps me develop my thoughts in the quasi-public sphere. One of my favourite quotes explains the principle:
'[My blog is written] by myself and for myself - an author and audience of one' (Rolf Potts 'Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel' 2002).Nevertheless, a lone voice is hardly the same as a community commons. Recently, I stumbled upon a local community commons which I find to be quite useful: Check it out here.
Anyway, enough procrastinating, the history of the Canadian television industry awaits!