Australian Universities on Twitter

This evening, during a period of extreme procrastination, I took a poll of Australian unis on Twitter (those that I could find) and the number of followers and have ranked them below (by number of followers):

1. RMIT - 926
2. UNSW - 468
3. La Trobe - 391
4. Monash Uni - 371
5. Flinders Uni - 251
6. Uni of Wollongong - 174
7. Uni of Melbourne - 170
8. Charles Sturt Uni - 87
9. Uni of Sydney - 72
10. UniSA - 72
11. Uni of Canberra - 49
12. Aust Catholic Uni - 19
13. James Cook Uni - 17
14. USQ - 12
15. Charles Darwin Uni - 2
16. Deakin Uni - 2 (but site is blocked)

UTS has several profiles but these are for individual areas, ie it is not a corporate site.

UWS has a Faculty profile with 130 followers.

I could not find any other university profiles but would be happy to be corrected.

For academics, Jason Wilson at Uni of Wollongong has started a self-listing post of Australian researchers on Twitter here: